Workshop report -photos to come.
Well, we had a workshop here this past weekend and it was a doozie.
9 participants, including Polly, Popette, Cybil, Janet, Judi who are members of mosaic addicts group.
I had planned on the students doing a version of my "courtyard door" mosaic (that's what I told them) but I decided to let them run with it, so in the end we had 9 amazing mosaics, all totally original and very beautiful.
Non-stop activity, music, noise, fun, laughter and hard work brought these beauties to life. I didn't sit down once, but I was floating on air as the students created mosaic magic.
Some had done lots of mosaic art - others it was their second class but they all stretched their limits - the results will speak for themselves when I upload some photos. Balcony scenes, doors ajar, relaxing out door pond scenes, amazingfloralama, skies that zing, vines, trees, flaming trees - all emerged.
Thinset was the only glue used (apart from a squirt of cln for tree bark anddriftwood in some tree mosaic areas) and the things we did with thinset! Painting, mixing, spreading.....and blues, creams, black, yellow andmustard all blended and rubbed together.
It was fabulous. I taught them things I have done from experimenting and testing and they loved the results. We shared a great on-the-run mosaic bbq on Sunday and many late night chatsf or the stopovers.
Both Diva Rooms had artists in residence, LOL and Shaq was patted a lot! Dave was fabulous in the background, running everyone around, to and froing, cooking and helping with tree trunk adjustments, LOL and made all the great base boards. My mother was in the workshop too and as usual was a joy to me.....sharing her passion for mosaics with the ladies too.
The weather was perfect in every way and I showed some of the dvd and the ladies laughed and enjoyed it. Dave and I are having the week off and relaxing in our caravan. Son no 2 will be in residence guarding the stashroom! LOL.
The things I rummaged and searched for to put in the studentsmosaics was a blast. I brought out a very precious lily I had kept foreverfor a mosaic in my mind and gave it to Elaine......she loved it so much, itfinished off her work and then she told me her mum was called Lily. ...thatdid it - more emotion, hugs and fun.I took out a huge hunk of coral for Maureen to make the big water featureoutside her amazing door scene and said I love this piece, - she said "it's serendipity" and then said "I gave you that for something special and it's returned to me with love"......sob sob now looks so good in her artwork.
Shirley made a mosaic for her son's engagement and it is breath-taking.Judi did a European (think Venice) door, slightly ajar and a balcony scene;she was such an artist with the thinset painting. Her huge tree is soperfect as are the little doves on the window sill.
The lace in the windowcomes from a wedding fabric collection I have in the stash room.....I forgotto x-ray everyone's bags in case they happened to find themselves in mystash room LOL!Pam did a scene of a courtyard wall with the gate opening and a little boypeering over the wall.
Her pot overfloweth with 3-d and the door came forpart of the fittings in her new bathroom - she has a new studio being built- I met Pam in Grafton workshops and her friend Elaine mosaic madlynow...they are making some great things for the SI mural at the moment,including a Tasmanian tiger and a lovely bird.Kay drove down form Mackay and her mosaic as usual is divine....she isreally into the shove the shard and her sky is awesome too.
She is an avid gardener and it shows in the floral mosaic work....exquisite. ....the bold and the beautiful. The women loved pushing the limits and finding new strengths in their work.Janet came all the way from Darwin NT and made her home in mosaics. Stronglines, bold and courageous work.
The steps are the best I have seen inmosaics and her louvers are a cutting dream. The room, path and structureare strong and clean allowing for the profusion of palm trees that are developing.
We managed to get her mosaic in her suitcase (only women can dothis magical feat) and she will add the garden and titivation at home. Janet has a keen sense of humour and I am looking forward to seeing herfuture mosaics.
Anyway, I am now totally over stimulated and the best thing is I am part of all these mosaics.
I enjoyed working with every student and helping them to learn the secrets of mosaic success - to be courageous to step out of your comfort zone, try new ideas and learn from each other. The friendships formed via mosaics is simply the best.I had better run now and pack - I am being pulled out of here by the teeth as I have sooooo much to do, but everyone keeps telling me to sniff the roses. I am taking my new laptop with me and will complete the fact sheet series so I will enjoy that. So time out is time gained for me.
cheers and happy mosaicking....
Sandy Robertson
Mosaic Artist / teacher OzMosaics Studio
Brisbane Queensland Australia
classes, workshops, supplies, materials and mosaic addiction!
Hi there,
I just wanted to pop by and take a look at your awesome blog and to thank you for adding my blog's link. I have linked to you as well.
Best wishes,
Stacy Alexander
Oh, how I wish I could be there to attend one of your workshops! They sound awesome!
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