Spent all morning completing a prelim quote for a very exciting commission (fingers crossed). Amazing how long it takes to do the paperwork.
Dave cut the cement sheeting for the sign at Karalee school where the chair is being completed and the extensions came out well - fiddly but I am very pleased with the results.
I could not resist - I added lovely gumnuts and white flowers in 3-D - a mix of Orsoni smalti, china cups, plates from our first dinner set (veyr special) and the mosaic is "resting" overnight. It was easy to do the 3-D work with the extensions supporting the gumleaves. I was really into the zone and enjoying myself.
I can't wait to do some of my own personal mosaics but think I will just have to "let go" and put it all into the Steve Irwin mural- all this pent up emotion really helps one create some wonderful mosaic art. I found it very theraputic to lose myself in making 3-D gumnuts and flowers for the last 8 hours.
I thinsetted the original mosaic sign, which was on moZboard to a piece of thin cement sheeting to give a special backerboard (the wall for the sign is really "weird") and we will go to the site on Wednesday to install the sign, complete the back of the seating arena, add touches of doo-dads and touch ups. Dave is master of installation ceremony on this one! LOL.
Tomorrow Polly and Popette are coming over to help place the rivers of fish the children made 2 years ago and I am looking forward to it. The desing looks great with two rivers running from the ground, up the chair to the top and over. Next week I will do the land section which is so cute with koalas, kangaroos and other "interesting art by the darling children"..
This month is packed with workshops, commission work and there is hardly a day spare but we are also starting to sort all the Steve Irwin mural pieces next week into design categories and hope to chat to Oz Zoo tomorrow. I can't wait to have a day this coming Sunday with the Red Hat ladies who are coming to make a piece of mosaic for the SI mural.
It's raining again and it's hard to believe we didn't have rain for so many years - it seems we are back to our wet season. It always seems to rain whenever I am about to install a large piece of mosaic....every time. I am not complaining as we need the rain and I could do with leaving the installation till next week, but come what may.
Finally an early night, it's 12.32 am! Yipee! .....and to put a smile on your face perhaps.....a lady rang me today wanting to book her 4 year old into a mosaic workshop! I have taught 4 year olds but it triggered off the idea of mum and child workshops.......too much to do, too little time.....
Sandy Robertson - mosaic artist, Brisbane Queensland Australia
http://www.ozmosaics.com/learn to mosaic
mosaic workshops, mosaic classes, mosaic supplies and materials
commissions, community and public art
gift vouchers and always a smile and a cuppa at the studio!